On Sat, 10 Apr 1999 23:28:22 -0600, Bob Wright <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>> Your message  is being returned to  you unprocessed because it  appears to have
>> already been distributed to the PCBUILD list. That is, a message with identical
>> text (but  possibly with different  mail headers) has  been posted to  the list
>> recently, either by you or by someone else. ...
>My Postmaster is not replying and my fellow listowners on this server
>are no help...  this is very strange.  Any idea what is happening?

You have a mail loop.  Look closely at the headers of the second 'rejected'
message.  You will see that message has already passed through LISTSERV once and
gone somewhere else and is bouncing back from there in a way that does NOT
change the original From: header line so this is why LISTSERV thinks it is
another copy of the same message from you.  Figure out who the subscriber is
(sometimes the actual address is found in the headers, sometimes only the domain
is found) andset them to NOMAIL or delete them entirely and the problem will