At 09:18 05/17/1999 Monday -0400, you wrote:

|But don't be surprised if you get a bad mail loop someday. If you are
|going to do this, at least set a Daily-Threshold to put a limit on any
|loops that may occur. And you may even want to refuse to accept
|subscriptions from ISPs that are known to send the error messages to the
|list (such as Compuserve). Personally, I think it's simpler to train my
|subscribers to do the right thing.

Agreed -- since each cascaded message to a list represents some non-zero
amount of subscribers' time downloading and interpretting.

Furthermore, as part of the Daily-Threshold=,

one might consider posting limits on each subscriber (the second parameter).

Also relative to anti-looping avoidance, one should consider (as
appropriate for one's list)