I'm working on a tool for list managers to use to help detect and avoid
distribution of spam and other problem messages.   I've got some ideas
about what to put in it and I'm open to suggestions if you have a wish
list.  For example, it'll contain an adaptive filter, trainable on a ML
archive for checking similarity, and I'm thinking about having the tool
communicate with a server containing a hash-coded registry of spam
messages.  You can reply here, or communicate with me directly if you'd
rather not send your thoughts to the entire list, and if I use your idea
I'll give you credit in my dissertation...
Dick S.

 |  rhseabrook at mail.aacc.cc.md.us __   Anne Arundel          |
 |      (410)541-2424               []:-) Community College     |
 |  http://enterprise.aacc.cc.md.us/~rhs  Speed the Net!        |