On Fri, 28 May 1999 16:40:42 -0600, Ben Parker <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>On Fri, 28 May 1999 16:37:25 -0400, John Witherspoon <[log in to unmask]>
>>What determines whether the 1.8d Web Subscriber Interface page for a given
>>list is password protected?
>If you think about it, there is no way this can be protected or nobody
>ever be able to subscribe to any list.  So it is always accessible.  That
>not mean that people can subscribe to a closed list this way.  It is the
>equivalent of any user can send a request to subscribe.  What happens to
>request is then determined by the settings for the list.

OK, but I'm interested in what makes the Web Subscriber Interface a) ask for
a password before a subscriber can even enter a request as opposed to b)
allowing a subscriber to subscribe or submit a request to change his
options and then confirm the subscriber's request via an e-mail (which
contains an instruction to reply to the server with an OK and cookie).


-- John