At 10:34 05/04/1999 Tuesday -0400, you wrote:

|I'll have to third Lou and Adam.  You're heading for big trouble and a lot of
|aggravation if you are not honest with your subscribers. As listowner you
|must control the list, set the rules and the punishment for their
violation. If
|you never tell anyone they are violating, how are they ever going to learn?

Telling them they are violating the rules need not be done in real-time
(whatever that is).  On one list that we operate, new subscribers are set
to REVIEW.  Any attempted posting by a REVIEWed subscriber does NOT ack.
their REVIEW status (having updated the MAILTPL).

As our intended audience is pretty much .EDU oriented, we nearly always
QUIET SET those subscribers to NOREVIEW even before their first post.

Others are often delayed (perhaps infinitiely) depending upon their
REVIEWed post.

Flamers / spammers aren't dignified directly (seldom occurs).

Though not 100 % perfect, most of our posts are on-target.  On-list
Commercial trollings, solicitations, spams, spoofs, and flamers are
minimal to non-existent.

I believe our 4,000 customers do appreciate that added care that we
provide via the operational controls that we place on the list.