On Tue, Jun 22, 1999 at 03:09:19PM -0500, Holloway, Mike wrote:
> rex wrote:
> >If "Resent-From: ..." will work for you, Eudora will do the job. I
> >posted the details about a year ago in response to a "it can't be
> >done with Eudora" post.
> And it still can't be done, unless there is a new version of Eudora that has
> fixed something, and I'm not checking this time.
> This is one of those things that is a moderately FAQ, and we go through this
> every time.

We go through it because there is always someone who can't make it work
and then says "it can't be done," just as you have above. I KNOW IT
WORKS BECAUSE I HAVE DONE IT with Eudora Pro 3.x If you don't believe it,
feel free to remain ignorant and frustrated, but please refrain from
spreading the "it can't be done" MYTH.

As I said before, the details should be in the archives. If you can't
find my posts, I'll be happy to look up my posts up and send them to you.
The procedure is quite simple: you add an ExtraHeaders line to the Eudora
setup. It's documented in Eudora Help.

-rex (
Folks who can't do something and insist it's impossible are tedious.