On Tue, Jun 22, 1999 at 05:05:38PM -0500, Holloway, Mike wrote:
> >We go through it because there is always someone who can't make it work
> >and then says "it can't be done," just as you have above. I KNOW IT
> >WORKS BECAUSE I HAVE DONE IT with Eudora Pro 3.x

> Yes, thank you.  If you are referring to "Resent-From works with Eudora",
> posted Sat, 28 Nov 1998 09:27:56, I've already seen it and wasted sufficient
> time.  Maybe I misunderstood your post, but it seems to detail how a message
> can be forwarded and made to appear it was from the address specified in the
> eudora.ini file in the Extraheader line.  This is certainly not what I'm
> asking for.  I would need to edit the ini file for each author.

No, you edit the eudora.ini file _once_. Below is my last post from my
archives (which is a reply to my own post) with annotations:
>From: [log in to unmask]
>To: "LISTSERV list owners' forum" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Resent-From works with Eudora
>Date: Sat, 28 Nov 1998 21:08:01 -0800
>Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]>

Rex Senegal <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>copy eudora.ini to mylist.ini and add the line
>ExtraHeaders=Resent-From: [log in to unmask]       <---- listowner's address
>just below [Settings]. Start Eudora using mylist.ini and every new message
>will have "Resent-From: mjw@BAHNHOF" added to the headers. When a message comes
>in for approval, use "Redirect", fill in the list address on the "To:" line,
>edit the message (if desired) and send it to the list. The message will show up
>on the list as orginating from the orginal poster, and LISTSERV will automatically
>remove the boilerplate header it adds to messages sent to the moderator.

There is a better way: create a "listmgr" persona in Eudora. Instead
of adding
ExtraHeaders=Resent-From: [log in to unmask]  <--- listowner's address
below [Settings] in eudora.ini, add it below [Persona-listmgr]. When
a message from LISTSERV comes in for approval, use <shift-redirect>
and select the "listmgr" personality. Send the (possibly) edited
message to the list. This works just as the above does, but it avoids
the problem of having to either use two versions of Eudora, or having
every message sent out with a "Resent-From:" line. Only those messages
redirected with the "listmgr" personality will have the line inserted.

Sorry I didn't see this the first time, but I don't use Eudora...


> thing as simply invoking a command from a menu, like I used to be able to do
> with the Pine bounce command.

In this case, it's Eudora's <shift> "redirect" command. You then choose
the persona you've defined as list manager, and
"Resent-From: [log in to unmask]" gets added to the header.
The "From: ..." line will still show the original sender with a
comment added by Eudora. This list has to be set up appropriately
for "Resent-From: ..." to work, but since you're getting what you
want from Pine and Elm, the list must be set up correctly.

> I think there must be a problem with communication here, for which I'm
> partly to blame.

I'm sorry that I didn't make it clear that it's the _listowner's_
address that goes in the ExtraHeader line, not the sender's.

The above works. My co-host uses Eudora Pro and used this method to
moderate the list for months. It's fairly painless.


Linux 2.2.1