I have read the owners and skimmed the developers manuals, but can find no
reference to any means of doing the following:

With a moderated list (Send= Editor,Confirm) is there any way to submit the
Editor's personal password with the email to be distributed, in the same
manner an owner maintenance command can be submitted with the
PW=personalpassword argument, in order to bypass the manual step of having
to receive and reply with OK to the confirmation message??

This would be of great advantage for me in developing programmatically
submitted emails, based on data entered in a web form by our sports
information office. It would avoid the danger of spoofing which not having
the ,confirm option would create, but allow me to accomplish the
distribution of the message in one step, not two, out of a program that
would format the email and submit it to the list from an editor account

I believe majordomo has such an option, at least in PINE email client on
UNIX you can use rich header, and a field appears into which you can type
the password, and majordomo skips the confirm by returning step and goes
ahead and distributes the email to the list.

I thought there might be something in the developer's manual that would let
me submit some sort of Job Control Language embedded in the email, but I
could not find anything.

Ronald D. Edge
Manager of Information Systems
Indiana University Intercollegiate Athletics