Karen wrote:

>Once again (I sent this yesterday)
>// GETPOST <post numbers>,
><more post numbers>,
><even more post numbers>
>This tells the listserv to keep going to the next line(s) until it no
>longer encounters a comma at the end of the line. Alternatively, you can
>add a GETPOST at the start of every line, which has the advantage of
>sending several smaller messages, rather than one huge one of 100+

The // at the beginning and a (,) comma didn't work for me!!  I also tried a
( \ ) at the end of each line (as was suggested and that didn't work

Doing a GETPOST <LISTNAME> at the beginning of EACH line is not convenient.
(Outlook Express does not make provision to append one message with another)

. . . Max---
Mad Max
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Phone:  785-842-6445  FAX:  785-841-1022
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