> > We see occasional cases where someone is confirming through a web
> > browser by clicking on the URL in an email confirmation request.
> > LISTSERV will say that the confirmation code is not outstanding, but
> > the confirmation has been dome.  In the LISTSERV logs, it looks like
> > the confirmation was done twice.
> That's fine, but I don't use an URL, I am a keyboard/command line
> type, don't even own a computer mouse.  All my lists are semi-moderated
> and for each I, and I alone, am the editor, so there is no chance of
> confusion there.  And yes, I did immediately check my "sent" files
> and such to see if I had previously confirmed the item; I have been around
> a while and I know one will get such an error message if the item has
> already been approved. I got the error message on the FIRST approval
> attempt.
> Douglas

When it actually happened to us personally, OK commands sent through email
got the same failure.  That was even more weird than the problem using the
browser.  It would be interesting to know what your LISTSERV logs show at
the time of the problem.