I was similarly puzzled.

> I am puzzled here.  if you have your own archives as part of
> LISTSERV, going back ten years, or six years - depends on list- and
> they are complete and totally under your control, why would you
> want someone else to "archive" it, particularly a commercial
> concern?  Our archives can be searched via email or the web, or if
> you're a masochist you can get the logs.  Why would you want it
> "archived" elsewhere?

But is the availability of the (wonderful) listserv archiving
program bundled with listserv, or is it an extra cost option?  If it
costs, for some people a "free" archive might make sense.

                                        -- Russ

Russell A. Hunt            __|~_)_ __)_|~_    Professor of English
St. Thomas University      )_ __)_|_)__ __)  PHONE: (506) 452-0424
Fredericton, New Brunswick   |  )____) |       FAX: (506) 450-9615
E3B 5G3   CANADA          ___|____|____|____/    [log in to unmask]
                          \                /
      ~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.StThomasU.ca/~hunt/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~