On Thu, 8 Jul 1999, Ford Boyer wrote:

> Thanks Jessica,
> But how do I remove whole archives or certain months only?  That's what
> I can't figure out.

        If you have done ANY archive editing (personaly, I'd preffer if
archives were not edited, or if they are, at the most they are only edited
to remove things like excessive quoting (like quoting an entire message
and saying ``thanks'', or ``I agree'', or whatever)), then you just do
that.  If you want to remove actual files (I don't know if this removes
the files or not, can someone at lsoft, or who has actually seen this tell
me for sure if it does or does not remove the file), you can send a put of
the archive which is completely blank (I'm not sure if white space matters
or not, idealy it shouldn't, but computers CAN be fussy about things like
spaces at the ends of lines and such).


Jessica Rasku, Box 270, Rossland, B.C., V0G 1Y0, (250) 362-5701,
LinuxBox: (250) 362-9668.

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