> Hear, here.  I'd REALLY like to be able to suppress the host details that
> my Listserv shares with the world.  It might have been appropriate back in
> the days of BITNET, but the Internet is not as nice a place.  I'd prefer
> to not share this information with anyone who sends a command to my
> Listserv.

My only problem is that when I say "Nope, can't be done," I start hearing
back "but doesn't majordomo do that?  Would it be too hard to switch?"

Kind of gives me the willies.  Especially when they complain that this
package that costs so much money can't do simple things like be

Scott Swanson
Sysadmin, CTW Online (http://www.ctw.org/)
Listserv admin, grover.ctwonline.com