> (*) Message sent to user when posting is forwarded to editor [POST_EDITOR]
>      Because I have a significant number of non-subscribers who send in
> job ads, I want to customize this automatically generated response to
> tell folks what is happening to their email submission.  I have no
> problem getting LISTSERV to process my text, but the formatting comes out
> LEFT & RIGHT JUSTIFIED, every time.  And the entire message is
> transmitted as one giant paragraph.
>      Technically speaking, the info from my message is there, but it
> looks like crud (without any paragraph breaks).
>      .FO OFF   and   .FO ON    simply do not work with this template!

I just ran into this myself.  If you read the manual carefully, you'll see
that POST_EDITOR is a "linear" template, meaning that formatting commands
are not honored.  Usually the text from linear templates is a portion of
a larger message, but that is not true in this case.  So I don't
understand the reason for it being a linear template.

Also, the web interface gives no hint as to which templates are linear.