On Fri, 13 Aug 1999, Simeon ben Nevel wrote:

> I've written the folk at mypad.com telling them that they should
> implement some sort of positive confirmation *before* starting to
> relay mail to a forwarding address.

        Well, as we set the confirmation on our lists, it would be sound
for them to do a similar thing.  Onelist actually doesn't seem to require
confirmation, once you have set up an account with them.  I'd like to be
able to at least have that as an option...


Jessica Rasku, Box 270, Rossland, B.C., V0G 1Y0, (250) 362-5701,
LinuxBox: (250) 362-9668.

List manager: [log in to unmask]
     send command help ---- To get help with majordomo
               or lists ---- To get a list of all lists on server.

WWW: <http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Andes/8749>