I gather that when I change options in the configuration window,
these changes will only effect new subscribers and not existing
subscribers.  How do I change subscription options for ALL
subscribers?  For instance, I want to make REPRO and ACK the default
for all existing subscribers.

Thanks in advance

William Grassie, PhD
PCRS <http://www.pc4rs.org>
Philadelphia Center for Religion and Science
P.O. Box 586, Unionville, PA 19375-0586, USA
3741 Walnut St., Box 429, Philadelphia, PA 19104

Voice: 610.329.0555
FAX: 610.486.6897
Email: <[log in to unmask]>
URL: <http://www.voicenet.com/~grassie>

Meta Listserve on Science and Religion <http://www.meta-list.org>