Hi everyone and Season's Greetings from a newbie.  Please forgive me
in advance if I don't yet have all of the Listserv terminology down. I'm
presently in the process of migrating our lists from Smartlist and have only
been using Listserv for a few days.  I've been able to get our other lists
moved, but I'm having a problem with one.
        My question is this -  I would like to be able to set up a list that
allows open submissions from anyone within my mail domain (preferrably
without having to subscribe) but restricts delivery to a single recipient.
The purpose here is to allow anyone within my organization to submit a
message to an "Anonymous Electronic Suggestion Box" and have that message
delivered to a single email address.  The basic list requirements are these:

        a) a person should be able to submit without subscribing
        b) submissions should only be allowed from within our mail domain
        c) the list is not moderated nor requires confirmation from the
        d) the output goes to a single email address
        e) unless a person lists their name in the body of the message,
submissions are anonymous and the message headers must be changed so the
recipient cannot see who originated the message

        Any assistance anyone could provide would be greatly appreciated!

Dennis Thaxton
Director for Information Systems
Naval Media Center