
  We just installed version 2 release 3.0 of VM, cms version 14 service
level 802.

  We still ran LISTSERV 1.8a for the 6 users who refuse to leave LISTSERV
(even though we've often announced to them that we no longer actively
support it - I love LISTSERV too.)

  When we try to bring LISTSERV up on our new release of VM we abend:

    4 Dec 19 99 01:59:36 SIGNUP2 file is being compressed...
DMSITP143T Operation exception occurred at 0006334A in system
routine RXLSVU@N;
DMSDIE3550I All APPC/VM and IUCV paths have been severed.

  I'm hoping it's something easy to fix but my VM skills are rusty
and I'm also hoping that I won't have to tell the users that they
have to find a new home right away.

  Any suggestions will be appreciated by this old, poor soul.
/George Giraldi
 Columbia University, AcIS