At 13:30 1/13/2008 Sunday, David Scheu wrote:
>Is there a way for a list owner to send an email to a subset of the
>list? For instance, all users who are set to DIGEST? I can generate a
>report via the web interface, but don't see what I would do with it,
>short of typing an awful lot of addresses by hand.
>As must be obvious by now, I'm not new at this and not familiar with
>much beyond the web interface. Don't know much about email commands, but
>neither am I afraid of them.
One feature of LISTSERV is the use of topics. It requires three dot five actions though:
1) list header definitions
2) set subscriber options
3) poster send options on the SUBJECT: line
3.5) subscriber must be in MAIL distribution mode (digest/index are not affected by topics)
I'm sure Francois will tell you something about LISTSERV Maestro