>99.9% of my list problems involving subscribing by potential members
>is due to the "reply-to" area of their mailer being incomplete and
>100% of this occurance is found in users using the Microsoft mail
>programs. Could somebody point me in the right direction on how to
>fix this problem so I can tell them? Right now I tell them to figure
>it out or switch to another email program because I refuse to run the
>program on my machines. However, the vast majority of my list
>members are at the lower third of the technically adept ladder and
>they find my suggestion to be pretty non-helpful.
>TIA for any help
If you modify your list header to say the following:
* Reply-to= List,Ignore
it should solve any reply-to problems. The net result will be that
all messages will be sent back to the list making private responses more
difficult if warranted though, and all reply-to headers will be completely