L-Soft launched its brand new website a few days ago. Among the improvements is a streamlined subscription center, where you can access all of L-Soft's announcement lists, user forums and social media channels in one place. Did you know about the LISTSERV at Work newsletter, which provides the latest product and industry news, or about all of the user forums, where you can discuss and obtain peer support for getting the most out of your LISTSERV email lists?

We urge you to browse around and see if any of the other email lists pique your interest. If you have general feedback about the website, please let us know. We always welcome comments and suggestions for improvement from our customers and visitors.

L-Soft Subscription Center

Browse the New Website:

Visit the Subscription Center:

EmailBits - L-Soft's Microblog List

Web: http://community.emailogy.com/scripts/wa-COMMUNITY.exe?A0=EMAILBITS

RSS: http://community.emailogy.com/scripts/wa-COMMUNITY.exe?RSS&L=EMAILBITS&V=2.0