The subscriber is on the list with more than one email address, and one of them is forwarding to (or is an alias of) the other.
The subscriber's email service reports a temporary delivery failure to the LISTSERV mail handler (which will retry later) but actually accepted the mail. Some spam-defense strategies sometimes work like this.
Ask the affected subscribers to submit a complete copy of all 2 or 3 versions of the duplicates, with all headers intact, for your inspection - that's the best way to track it down.
>>> Steven Eckard <[log in to unmask]> 12/08/08 11:07 AM >>>
Greetings, all and Happy Holidays.
I have a list owner who is reporting that some of the subscribers are getting 2 and 3 copies of a posted message. This is an open subscription list with send= private. Any ideas why this is happening? Thanks.
Steve Eckard
IT Specialist
James Madison University
MSC 5735