On Wed, 23 May 2018 23:33:00 +0200, [log in to unmask] wrote:
>In light of the GDPR coming into effect in Europe, I have some questions
>about account management in ListServ.
Historically, the only personal information required by LISTSERV is a user's
email address. While an associated 'friendly name' is also desireable, it
is not required by LISTSERV. So, since LISTSERV simply doesn't need,
collect, or store other kinds of personal data, any possible exposure risks
are minimised.
You should plan to upgrade to LISTSERV version 16.5, which contains several
new features designed to assist with meeting GDPR requirements in the EU.
See http://www.lsoft.com/manuals/16.5/LISTSERV16.5_WhatsNew.pdf
>- Does ListServ itself use cookies that would require a cookie warning
>on the web interface?
Yes, this is explained in the above document.
>- How are user accounts stored? Is the password that users configure
>encrypted in any way?
Passwords have been encrypted since version 15.0. user's email address +
name is typically stored in *.list files in LISTSERV's "main" directory
(x:\LISTSERV\MAIN on Windows, ~\listserv\home on Linux). *.list files are in
a proprietary flat-file format that MUST NEVER be edited manually.
(Exception, if you have configured LISTSERV to store *.list data in a SQL
DBMS, then the data field names, data schema, etc. may be unique and
different for each LISTSERV site using a DBMS.)
User's email address + registered name is also stored in the signup.file*
files (one record per email address). See also below.
>- if users request to have their personal data removed I am obliged to
>do so. Is there a way to remove user accounts from the ListServ
Bear in mind that total 'account removal' may also mean unsubscribing or
deletion/removal from any lists currently subscribed to.
L-Soft has made available, at no charge, a comprehensive EU General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) reporting script written in the Microsoft
PowerShell scripting language, which can be used in conjunction with
L-Soft's LCMD or LCMDX utilities on Microsoft Windows, Linux, and MacOS
For more information, please see our GDPRSCAN Installation and Operating
Guide for Windows, Linux, and MacOS at
>- What is the function of the signup.file* files in the ListServ home
>directory? Which addresses end up in these files? Can these files be
>edited manually?
See also above. signup.file* files should not be edited manually. Doing so
may destroy or corrupt important data. The format and contents of these
files is (AFAIK) not documented anywhere.
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