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The Revised LISTSERV Distribution List <LSTSRV-L@EB0UB011>
Thu, 3 Sep 1987 21:04 GVA
The Revised LISTSERV Distribution List <LSTSRV-L@EB0UB011>
  Let's say that a line monitor somewhere  in the world decides to hold a file
for a  long period of time  (eg until the next  weekend), or to split  it into
small chunks  on which  he furthermore  runs a  complex encoding  program that
reduces the  chunks to 1/3rd  of their original size,  but then 1  damaged bit
(base RSCS V2  *grin*) means the file  is turned into a  jelly-fish. Let's say
that the  postmaster asks  LISTSERV to  send notification  to the  file owners
about this, just  in case they might  think that their file has  been lost and
they'd wish to resend it.
  The questions is: should we inform the SENDER, the RECIPIENT, or BOTH?
1. S&R are human people. You ought  to inform the sender, because otherwise he
   might think the file has been lost and might resend it. You ought to inform
   the recipient, because  otherwise he might get anxious and  that's not good
   for his peace-maker. But that's less important, the sender might inform him
   if he  starts asking  "you sure you  DID send that  darned file??"  This is
   quite common. Score:  S=1/0, R=0.5/0, F=1 (copy to Sender:  pro/con, id for
   recipient, Frequency).
2. S=server, R=human. Then  you must only inform R, who  might get anxious and
   order a  second copy, but not  S, who might get  upset and tell you  to try
   HELP, yeah, you might be more lucky with a HELP command. This case is quite
   common (although servers  rarely send large files, MAILERs  tend to). S=0/1
   R=1/0 F=1
3. S=human, R=server. For  the same reason as above R  should not be informed,
   and S  should. But S  is supposed to  be somehow intelligent  (idiots don't
   send files to servers, esp not large ones) and will check the links for his
   file. And that case is pretty rare anyway, so S=0.5/0 R=0/1 F=0.25
4. S&R  are servers  who won't  get upset about  network delays.  S=R=0/1, and
   since this is VERY rare, F=0.1.
Final scores:
S=1 Pros 1.125 Cons 1.1
R=1 Pros 1.5 Cons 0.225
Do you agree with  this analysis, and what would you  decide about sending the
notification to the sender or not?