There is a trojan horse / worm virus called GAME2 MODULE making the
rounds of BITNET/EARN/etc. I hate to say that many folks got their
copy from our NETNWS-L list. What a way to start a week.
In the "closing the barn door after the horse is gone" department
I did change all our lists to Files= No and sent a note to the
owners explaining that if they needed to distribute files I'd change
it back. I haven't heard from any that they wanted to do that.
I got real lazy about setting the Files= header option on our lists.
Many lists had Files= Yes when there was no need to have that. In fact,
with the widespread use of gateways, etc. it seems most lists could get
along with Files= No which should have prevented the spread of this
particular module.
I plan to set all new lists here to use Files= No unless they are
for file distribution. I'd encourage you consider the Files setting
on your lists too so you won't have to suffer the "infamy" of having a
list which is a large initial vector for a virus. It's no fun. ;-(