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Trish Forrest <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 15 Feb 1995 00:57:03 -0500
text/plain (39 lines)
Hi Folks,
I'm running Listserv 1.8a on IRIX 5.2 and have run into a problem I
haven't seen before (just when I thought this was a piece of cake :-))
I'm trying to do a put request to listserv, except after several tries
Listserv keeps responding with "Invalid password..."  After several
attempts I started to wonder what Listserv thought I was trying and checked
the logs.  It seems that 2 characters are being inserted in front of my
pw=xxmypasswd, where xx are the invalid characters.
So, at a loss, I tried a PW RESET to what was displayed in the logs,
but Listserv replies with 'extraneous characters' to I couldn't
change my pw.
Has anyone else experienced this?  I should point out that I have not
been able to successfully update to the Feb. version of the bitearn.nodes
file, but I can't see how these are related....this is the only change
made, but if you suggest I can copy over the Jan. version and try again.
I even re-booted Listserv to no last resort is to re-boot the
system, but I wanted to send here before I did that as we have other
production software on the system that I don't really want to interupt...
but will if you suggest that as is 1:45 am so who would notice? :-)
Maybe I should also point out that just before the put request, I was able
to successfully create a new list...what I am trying to do now is 'put' the
welcome file.  All commands are being sent from the Listserv Postmaster/
maintainer userid.
Many thanks for anything helpful as I'm really stuck on this one....and of
course I made the promise that it would be ready by the if there
are any night-hawks out there....  :-)
Cheers!  --Trish
Trish Forrest
Computing Services
University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada