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LISTSERV give-and-take forum <[log in to unmask]>
Peter 'Rattacresh' Backes <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 17 Jul 2000 00:34:14 +0200
LISTSERV give-and-take forum <[log in to unmask]>
Here's the current version of the archive_migrate script.  It can now
generate Notebook-Header= Full style files if you supply option '-l'.
Note that the first header after the 'From ' separator must be
'Received' if you want this to work.

-- Peter 'Rattacresh' Backes, [log in to unmask]

#! /usr/bin/perl ##################################################################### # # Program Name: archive_migrate # # Function: migrates Listproc 6.0c format archive files to # LISTSERV 1.8b minimal/full digest format notebooks # # Comment: In fact converts any UNIX mailbox format # file to notebook format which can be read by # virtually any LISTSERV version. # # Author: Peter 'Rattacresh' Backes, PLASMA ORGANIZATION # ([log in to unmask]) # Based on work originally done by Steve Howie # (CCS. University of Guelph) # Based on work originally done by Norm Aleks # ([log in to unmask]) # # Logic: # archive_mig will traverse each subdirectory in the # $HOME/archives/lists directory, converting each archive # file it finds into Listserv Minimal Digest format. It stores # each converted archive file under a subdirectory of $newarch_root. # This tree can then be moved en masse to it's new home, and the # permissions / ownerships adjusted accordingly. # # When processing each directory, you will be prompted for the # full list name for the "Sender:" field in the archive. # # If an error is encountered processing an archive, it will be # skipped, a flag set and the archive processing will stop after # the last archive in that directory # # You have the opportunity to skip directories if you wish # ##################################################################### require ""; # To get a half-assed accurate pwd function $SIG{'INT'} = 'handler'; # Set up a handler to catch ctrl-C print <<EOF; ************************************************************** * * Listproc -> LISTSERV Archive Migration Utility * ************************************************************** EOF $newarch_root = "/var/tmp"; # Root for converted archives $home_dir = `pwd`; chop($home_dir); if ($ARGV[0] eq "-l") {     $long_arc = 1; } else {     $long_arc = 0; } opendir(THISDIR,"."); # Read all list directory names $num = @alldirs = sort grep(-d, grep(!/^\./, readdir(THISDIR))); closedir(THISDIR); printf("\nFound a total of %d list archive directories. Continuing.\n", $num); &initpwd; $err_flag = 0; $list_tot = $skip_tot = $arch_tot = 0; # # Process each lists archive directory # foreach $i (@alldirs) {     if ($err_flag == 1) {         print "Errors encountered processing archives. Please check logs.\n";         exit;     }     $location = "$home_dir\/$i";     next if ($location eq "/users/u/2/showie/archive"); #local mod     printf("\n>>>> Processing directory %s, press \"y\" to continue.", $i);     $yn = <STDIN>;     chop($yn);     if ($yn ne "y") {         print "Skipping directory $i ... \n";         $skip_tot++;         next;     }     $list_tot++;     print "Please enter the title of the group: ";     $oldlistaddr = <STDIN>;     chop($oldlistaddr);     print "Creating Directory ", $newarch_root."/".$i, " ...\n";     mkdir("$newarch_root/$i",0755); # Create new archive directory subtree     &chdir($location); # Move into next directory to process     #     # get a list of all archive files in the directory     #     opendir(THISDIR,".");     @newfiles = sort grep(/^[0-9]/,grep(!/^\./, readdir(THISDIR)));     closedir(THISDIR);     #     # Process each archive file inside the directory     #     foreach $archive (@newfiles) {         printf("Processing archive %s ...", $archive);         $arch_tot++; # Bump total         $newname = $archive;         #         # Only rename and uncompress .z archives         #         if (/\.z$/) {             printf(".");             $newname =~ tr/z/Z/;             if (rename($archive,$newname) == 0) {                 printf("Error renaming %s to %s, skipping this archive\n", $archive, $newname);                 $err_flag = 1;                 next;             }             printf(".");             $result = system("uncompress $newname");             if ($result != 0) {                 printf("Error uncompressing %s, skipping this archive\n", $newname);                 $err_flag = 1;                 next;             }             chop($newname);             chop($newname);         }         printf(".");         $result = 0;         $result = &convert($newname);         if ($result == 1) {             printf("Error converting archive %s, skipping this archive\n", $newname);             $err_flag = 1;             next;         }         printf(" DONE\n");     } } printf("\n\nProcessed %d list(s) and %d archives. A total of %d lists were skipped. \n\n", $list_tot, $arch_tot, $skip_tot); exit 0; # # Signal Handler for ctrl-C # sub handler {     print "\nUser pressed CTRL-C, exiting.\n";     exit(0); } # # Do the actual archive conversion # sub convert {     ($archive_name) = @_;     open(NEWARCH, "> $newarch_root/$i/log$archive_name");     open(INFILE, $archive_name);     #print "\n\t\tCreating new LISTSERV archive: $newarch_root/$i/log$archive_name\n";     $body = 1;     $delm = 0;     $larg = 0;     while (<INFILE>) {         if ($body) {             if (/^From .* \d\d\d\d$/ ) {                 print NEWARCH "=========================================================================\n";                 $body = 0;                 $delm = 0;             } else {                 if ($delm) {                     print NEWARCH "\n";                 }                 if (/^$/) {                     $delm = 1;                 } else {                     $delm = 0;                     print NEWARCH;                 }             }         } else {             if (/^$/) {                 $body = 1;                 print NEWARCH "$headername{'DATE'}: $headerline{'DATE'}\n";                 if ($headerline{'REPLY-TO'} ne "") {                     print NEWARCH "$headername{'REPLY-TO'}: $headerline{'REPLY-TO'}\n"; }                 else {                     print NEWARCH "Reply-To: $oldlistaddr\n"; }                 if ($headerline{'SENDER'} ne "") {                     print NEWARCH "$headername{'SENDER'}: $headerline{'SENDER'}\n"; }                 else {                     print NEWARCH "Sender: $oldlistaddr\n"; }                 if ($headerline{'FROM'} ne "") {                     print NEWARCH "$headername{'FROM'}: $headerline{'FROM'}\n"; }                 if ($headerline{'ORGANIZATION'} ne "") {                     print NEWARCH "$headername{'ORGANIZATION'}: $headerline{'ORGANIZATION'}\n"; }                 if ($headerline{'SUBJECT'} ne "") {                     print NEWARCH "$headername{'SUBJECT'}: $headerline{'SUBJECT'}\n"; }                 if ($headerline{'COMMENTS'} ne "") {                     print NEWARCH "$headername{'COMMENTS'}: $headerline{'COMMENTS'}\n"; }                 if ($headerline{'IN-REPLY-TO'} ne "") {                     print NEWARCH "$headername{'IN-REPLY-TO'}: $headerline{'IN-REPLY-TO'}\n"; }                 if ($headerline{'MIME-VERSION'} ne "") {                     print NEWARCH "$headername{'MIME-VERSION'}: $headerline{'MIME-VERSION'}\n"; }                 if ($headerline{'CONTENT-TYPE'} ne "") {                     print NEWARCH "$headername{'CONTENT-TYPE'}: $headerline{'CONTENT-TYPE'}\n"; }                 if ($headerline{'CONTENT-TRANSFER-ENCODING'} ne "") {                     print NEWARCH "$headername{'CONTENT-TRANSFER-ENCODING'}: $headerline{'CONTENT-TRANSFER-ENCODING'}\n"; }                 print NEWARCH "\n";                 $headerline{'DATE'} = "";                 $headerline{'REPLY-TO'} = "";                 $headerline{'SENDER'} = "";                 $headerline{'FROM'} = "";                 $headerline{'ORGANIZATION'} = "";                 $headerline{'SUBJECT'} = "";                 $headerline{'COMMENTS'} = "";                 $headerline{'IN-REPLY-TO'} = "";                 $headerline{'MIME-VERSION'} = "";                 $headerline{'CONTENT-TYPE'} = "";                 $headerline{'CONTENT-TRANSFER-ENCODING'} = "";             } else {                 chop;                 if (! /^(\s+)(.*)/) {                     $toprint = (($hdr,$info)=/^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z-]*)\:\s+(.*)/i);                     $uhdr = $hdr;                     $uhdr =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;                     if ($long_arc) {                         if ($uhdr eq "DATE" or $uhdr eq "REPLY-TO" or $uhdr                             eq "FROM" or $uhdr eq "ORGANIZATION" or $uhdr                             eq "SUBJECT" or $uhdr eq "TO" or $uhdr eq                             "COMMENTS" or $uhdr eq "SENDER" or                             $uhdr eq "IN-REPLY-TO") {                             $headerline{$uhdr} = $info if $toprint;                             $headername{$uhdr} = $hdr if $toprint;                             $larg = 0;                         } else {                             print NEWARCH;                             print NEWARCH "\n";                             $larg = 1;                         }                     } else {                         $headerline{$uhdr} = $info if $toprint;                         $headername{$uhdr} = $hdr if $toprint;                         $larg = 0;                     }                 } else {                     if ($larg) {                         print NEWARCH "$1$2\n";                     } else {                         $headerline{$uhdr} .= " $2" if $toprint;                     }                 }             }         }     }     close(NEWARCH);     close(INFILE);     return 0; }
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx          PLASMA ORGANIZATION DOC.MN.1 ARCH_MIG MEMO                         (DESCRIPTION, USAGE)      Peter 'Rattacresh' Backes <[log in to unmask]>, Jul 17 2000, Rev 1                       (c) 2000 PLASMA ORGANIZATION Keywords: LISTSERV, archive, notebook, converting, UNIX mailbox, mailing list, mailing list manager, MLM Archive_migrate is a program which helps you converting your UNIX mailbox format files into the notebook format, which are nowadays used mainly in the context of LISTSERV archives. If you were using a different MLM in the past which used the UNIX mailbox format as it's archive format (notably Listproc) or if you just took over mailing list hosting for a list you were a member of in the past and can't contact the old owner to send you the old archives so you have to use what your own mailbox folder contains, then this is the program you're looking for. Before you run the actual conversion script, order the original log files as follows: . Current directory + lstone-l Directory for the first list | | 9701 UNIX mailbox format archive for Jan 1997 | | 9702 Feb 1997 | | ... Other archive formats, using the name convention + lsttwo-l Directory for the second list | | ... + ... More list directories containing archives The conversion script actually only cares about the first character of the archive files; it must be a digit. After conversion, you will find the files in LISTSERV name convention, <listname>.log<period>. You can exploit this to use a different period scheme, like weekly or yearly notebooks, as LISTSERV provides them. For further information about this, consult section 8.10.3 of the Site Manager's Operations Manual for LISTSERV 1.8d (reference number 9903-MD-01). To separate your archives in monthly/weekly/yearly chunks just use your favourite mailer that provides a feature to bulk move mails between UNIX mailbox folders. I used mutt which did it's job without any problems. When you've prepared the directory structure as described, change to the directory that contains the list subdirectories and execute the script from there (either copy the conversion program into this directory or add the directory that contains it to your PATH). Don't forget to give it +x mode first. Then run the script. If you wish to create notebooks with full headers, be sure to supply option '-l'. It will show something similar to the following, depending on your list names:   **************************************************************   *   * Listproc -> LISTSERV Archive Migration Utility   *   **************************************************************   Found a total of 1 list archive directories. Continuing ..   >>>> Processing directory ogde-l, press "y" to continue.. You can press 'y' to process this archive directory, something else to skip it or send a ^C to terminate the script entirely. By the way, you can press ^C at any time to emergency exit the script if it shows brain disease. After pressing 'y', you will be asked the following:   Please enter the title of the group: arch_mig expects the RFC822 mailbox for your list to be entered. It is recommended to give it a description of the list and the (old) list email address in angle brackets. Be sure to use "double quotes" around your list description if it contains one of the following characters: ()<>@,;:".[]\ Also be sure to escape double quotes inside double quotes with a backspace:   German OG Mailing List <[log in to unmask]> After hitting enter, arch_mig will process each archive and save it in notebook format under a new directory. It will print a short status message for each file:   Creating Directory /var/tmp/ogde-l ...   Processing archive 0001... DONE   Processing archive 0003... DONE   Processing archive 9802... DONE   Processing archive 9803... DONE   Processing archive 9804... DONE   Processing archive 9806... DONE   Processing archive 9807... DONE   Processing archive 9808... DONE   Processing archive 9809... DONE   Processing archive 9810... DONE   Processing archive 9811... DONE   Processing archive 9812... DONE   Processing archive 9901... DONE   Processing archive 9902... DONE   Processing archive 9903... DONE   Processing archive 9904... DONE   Processing archive 9905... DONE   Processing archive 9906... DONE   Processing archive 9907... DONE   Processing archive 9908... DONE   Processing archive 9909... DONE   Processing archive 9911... DONE   Processing archive 9912... DONE When every file it found in the list directory was converted properly, it possibly asks you for the the next one if there is one. Just proceed as described above. After the last one being finished, it will give you a summary of the work it's done. As we only converted archives for one list in our case we would be shown this:   Processed 1 list(s) and 23 archives. A total of 0 lists were skipped. Then you'll find yourself on the shell prompt again. All notebooks can now be found under the directory /var/tmp/<listname>, for our example list that's /var/tmp/ogde-l. You can change to /var/tmp, fix file permissions if neccessary and either just move all directories to where your LISTSERV list folders are stored or -- if they already exist for your list -- move the contents of the directories to their appropriate positions. Send a INDEX command for your list to LISTSERV and check whether everything is OK. You can reboot LISTSERV or wait until midnight if you want the archives to be available via web interface. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' WITHOUT EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL PLASMA OR ANY OTHER CONTRIBUTOR BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF PLASMA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.