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Eric Thomas <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 25 Feb 1995 05:49:43 +0100
text/plain (81 lines)
All right, I have discussed this issue with our marketing folks and we've
decided to  make a special promotional  offer to help all  the people who
have recently been asked to find a  new home. Our goal with this offer is
to give people some time in which  to get organized and make some sort of
arrangement for  future funding. But  at the risk of  disappointing some,
we're not just  going to take over  all the lists for  free. I've checked
the volume figures and GIT has been delivering an average of 53k messages
a day this month. PSU and Temple are only removing some of their lists so
I don't know how much traffic exactly there would be for their lists, but
I imagine the total to be in  the 75-100k/day range, which means peaks of
150-200k during busy days. This kind of volume costs real money. In fact,
it costs  very real money  because that's more  than the capacity  of the
equipment  we  have now;  to  go  beyond that  we'd  need  to buy  larger
machines. So if we  just took all these lists for free  there would be an
immediate cost that  we would not otherwise incur until  we have a couple
hundred paying lists to contribute to the purchase.
Another thing is  that we don't want  all the lists. While  I don't agree
with everything  Dave Gomberg  said, he  makes a  good point  about "junk
lists". There are lists out there that exist only because someone thought
it was a good idea many years  ago, and the organization hosting the list
never had any  particular desire to trim its portfolio  of lists. Once in
the street,  junk lists are bound  to disappear because people  are never
going to  pay for them,  and it is  unlikely that a  system administrator
will decide  to host  them for  free, simply  because reviewing  the last
monthly logs  will make it  abundantly clear  that the list  isn't useful
other than  as a private  playground for  a small number  of enthusiastic
participants :-) If these lists are going to disappear anyway, they might
as well disappear now - especially if they are high-volume lists.
To  address both  issues, we  have decided  to charge  US$50, payable  up
front, for  the first 3  months (MD residents  add the usual  sales tax).
This will offset part of our costs in hosting the list and will eliminate
junk lists through natural selection. It's not a huge amount of money for
the  list owner  to risk,  while being  enough for  most people  to think
carefully  before sending  a list  our way.  We want  the money  up front
because we think our chances of  collecting after the fact with no hassle
on lists that ended  up being dismantled due to lack  of interest are not
very high :-) We will set up the  list before we get the money, but we'll
be expecting the check shortly. This is a fixed charge for a fixed period
of  time; after  the initial  3 months  the charges  will be  as per  our
standard schedules, or if you found a free home so be it. The $50 are not
refundable unless we are at fault.
Again, this  is a  limited time  offer. After 3  months we'll  review how
successful it  was and  decide whether to  make it a  policy for  all new
lists or not. The  $50 price is for an existing LISTSERV  list with up to
500 subscribers, up to 50 postings a day, and up to 10M of disk space for
archives. If you  think your list will exceed these  numbers during the 3
month period, you will need to  settle these things *in advance* with the
sales folks ([log in to unmask]).  Otherwise we reserve the  right to revert
to  the charges  on our  standard price  list when  these thresholds  are
exceeded.  All this  because  one can  technically start  a  list with  1
subscriber and then add several hundred  the next day. There are a number
of pretty large lists  looking for a new host and at  these rates we just
can't afford to  be fooled. If the  list is not running  on LISTSERV, you
are welcome to  apply but we will  charge a setup fee of  $20 since there
will be some extra work involved in configuring the list.
To avoid misunderstandings, the machines we use to host the lists are not
VM mainframes  and thus do  not have  the database functions  or advanced
file server functions. If the database  functions are vital to your list,
you  will need  to  find another  host. The  database  functions will  be
available on  non-VM systems  3Q95, and  until then we  won't be  able to
offer them. No need to scream, we're very unhappy about it too :-)
I hope  that this eases  the situation somewhat  for the list  owners who
haven't found a new home yet. I think that to some extent the problem you
are facing is that  there is a limited creation rate  for free lists (say
1-2/sysadmin/month), and on top of that some people have been signing off
the list, presumably because they saw  too many requests for list hosting
lately and not enough technical  information. With the current downsizing
trends VM  people have very limited  time on their hands  and you're just
going to have  to be patient. In particular I  don't think reposting your
plea 3 times a week is going to help much, quite to the contrary in fact.
I think your chances are much higher if you can somehow locate a LISTSERV
maintainer who is interested in the  subject matter of your list (I know,
it's not easy, but it works).