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LISTSERV list owners' forum <[log in to unmask]>
Melvin Klassen <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 25 Aug 1994 16:00:00 PDT
Melcir Erskine-Richmond <[log in to unmask]>
On Thursday, at 11:37, Melcir Erskine-Richmond <[log in to unmask]>
> I am also a multiple co-owner of lists, many of which originated at a
> single South American (Brazilian) listserv and were later 'peered' to
> campuses in the USA (for the most part).  Some time ago, the peer
> process was somehow broken, and now the several parts are separated
> and operating singly, while maintaining the original list descriptor
> and earlier versions of the co-owner listings.  Initially, after setting
> in motion the descriptor, and in combing the nets for a co-owner, I
> was invited to set the  lists up at BRUFPB.BITNET in Brazil, but then
> I was not given co-ownership.  It took (true) 4 years to break throgh
> this error.  I now have co-ownership, but not technical co-ownership.
> Efforts to redress the peer process seem to be failing (largely due
> to language barrier and the problem of distance, I suspect).  In one
> instance, even the peer site was changed to another Listserver.  Anyway
> the list which is so fragmented is AFRICA-L and efforts to straighten
> this out with the current co-owners and to bring up to date the
> ownership details, etc. fall into total silence and lack of reply
> from one site, and an inability to correct the situation from another.
> What can be done, please?
I have sent 'REVIEW AFRICA-L (LOCAL' commands to VTVM1, BROWNVM, and BFUFPB,
collected, edited, and collated the header-lines,
and eliminated the identical-at-all-three-hosts lines,
which leaves the following differences:
VTVM1    *  Auto-Delete= Yes,Full-Auto
BRUFPB   *  Auto-Delete= Yes,Full-Auto
VTVM1    *  Daily-Threshold= 65
VTVM1    *  Digest= Yes,Same,Daily,23:59,Size(2000)
VTVM1    *  Files= No
BROWNVM  *  Files= yes
BROWNVM  *  Formcheck= yes
VTVM1    *  LoopCheck= Full
BROWNVM  *  Notify= no
VTVM1    *  Notify= Yes
VTVM1    *  Owner= [log in to unmask] <Darrell A. Early>
VTVM1    *  Owner= quiet:,paddy@vtvm1          (Darrell A. Early)
BRUFPB   *  OWNER=        PADDY@VTVM2          (Darrell A. Early)
VTVM1    *  Owner= quiet:,bestuur@vtvm1        (Darrell A. Early)
BROWNVM  *  Owner=        BESTUUR@VTVM1        (Darrell A. Early)
BRUFPB   *  [log in to unmask]   (Melcir Erskine-Richmond)
VTVM1    *  Owner= quiet:,an700018@brownvm     (Marilyn H. Fetterman)
BROWNVM  *  Owner=        AN700018@BROWNVM     (Marilyn H. Fetterman)
BRUFPB   *  OWNER=        ST802213@BROWNVM     (Victor Williams)
BROWNVM  *  Owner=REITORCN@BRUFPB              (Carlos Fernando Nogueira)
BRUFPB   *  OWNER=  rodrig@BRUFPB              (Jose Rodrigues)
VTVM1    *  Renewal= 3-Monthly
BROWNVM  *  Reply-To= list,respect
VTVM1    *  Reply-To= Sender,Respect
VTVM1    *  Review= Private
BROWNVM  *  Review= public
VTVM1    *  Safe= Yes
VTVM1    *  Send= Private
BROWNVM  *  Send= public
VTVM1    *  Stats= Normal,Private
BROWNVM  *  Stats= normal,private
VTVM1    *  Subscription= Open
BROWNVM  *  Subscription= open
So, Melcir, if you really want to re-establish the "peering",
and since you "own" the AFRICA-L list at BRUFPB, I suggest that you:
 - change that list to specify 'Files=NO',
 - change the entry 'OWNER= PADDY@VTVM2 (Darrel A. Early)'
                 to 'Owner= PADDY@VTVM1 (Darrel A. Early)',
   since the node 'VTVM2' is being phased out.
 - change the entry 'PEERS= VTVM2,BROWNVM'
                 to 'Peers= VTVM1,BROWNVM',
   for the same reason,
 - add the ID 'AFRICA-L@VTVM1 Peer Distribution' as a subscriber,
   (use the command 'QUIET ADDHERE AFRICA-L@VTVM1 Peer Distribution',
   to avoid having LISTSERV "move" the subscription to one of the peers),
 - send E-mail to 'Darrel A. Early'
   <[log in to unmask]> or <BESTUUR@VTVM1> or <PADDY@VTVM1>,
   and/or to 'Marilyn H. Fetterman' <[log in to unmask]>,
   asking one of them to:
    - add the line 'Peers= BROWNVM,BRUFPB'
      to the list-definition for AFRICA-L at VTVM1,
    - add your ID into the list of "owners" for the list,
    - add the IDs 'AFRICA-L@BRUFPB  Peer Distribution'
              and 'AFRICA-L@BROWNVM Peer Distribution'
      as subscribers to the 'AFRICA-L@VTVM1' mailing-list,
      (using the 'QUIET ADDHERE' command),
    - add the ID 'AFRICA-L@VTVM1 Peer Distribution'
      as a subscriber to the 'AFRICA-L@VTVM1' mailing-list,
      (using the 'QUIET ADDHERE' command),
   in order to properly "link" the three peers.
   (Remember, Marilyn and/or Darrell may be on vacation,
   so don't be surprised if it takes a while.)
 - Finally, note that about 25 subscribers have subscriptions at *MORE*
   than one AFRICA-L node.  Therefore, when the peering takes effect,
   they'll start getting "duplicate" postings,
   until one of their subscriptions is deleted.
   When you become a "owner", you'll have to somehow deal with these IDs:
BROWNVM  [log in to unmask]  Axel Harneit-Sievers
VTVM1    [log in to unmask]       Axel Harneit-Sievers
VTVM1    [log in to unmask]           Achana Francis
BROWNVM  [log in to unmask]                      Francis Achana
BROWNVM  [log in to unmask]       Antoinette Errante
VTVM1    [log in to unmask]       Antoinette Errante
BROWNVM  AFRICA_L@CLARKU                          Clark University's BB
VTVM1    [log in to unmask]                  Africa-L in Bulletin
BROWNVM  [log in to unmask]               Brown Local Dist.
VTVM1    [log in to unmask]               Brown Local Dist.
BROWNVM  [log in to unmask]                        Arthur R. McGee
VTVM1    [log in to unmask]                        Arthur R. McGee
BROWNVM  AN700018@BROWNVM                         Marilyn H. Fetterman
VTVM1    AN700018@BROWNVM                         Marilyn H. Fetterman
BROWNVM  [log in to unmask] Malik Baiyewu
VTVM1    [log in to unmask] Malik Baiyewu
BROWNVM  [log in to unmask]                D Bedell
VTVM1    [log in to unmask]                D Bedell
VTVM1    [log in to unmask]            Bruce Caldwell
VTVM1    [log in to unmask]            Bruce Caldwell
BROWNVM  [log in to unmask]     Cliff Missen
VTVM1    [log in to unmask]     Cliff Missen
BROWNVM  [log in to unmask]                         Carol Taberski
VTVM1    [log in to unmask]                         Carol Taberski
BROWNVM  [log in to unmask]                     Dr Francois D. Botha
VTVM1    [log in to unmask]                     Dr. Francois Botha
BROWNVM  [log in to unmask]               "Mwangi Nderebe"
VTVM1    [log in to unmask]               Mwangi Nderebe
VTVM1     [log in to unmask]                 Greg Greenberg
VTVM1    [log in to unmask]                 Greg Greenberg
BROWNVM  [log in to unmask]                    Sandra Hall
VTVM1    [log in to unmask]                    Sandra Hall
BROWNVM  [log in to unmask]       Henk J. van Hartingsveldt
VTVM1    [log in to unmask]       Henk J. van Hartingsveldt
BROWNVM  [log in to unmask]                   Hussein M. Haji
VTVM1    [log in to unmask]                           H. Haji
BROWNVM  [log in to unmask]                      L. Kasanga South Africa
VTVM1    [log in to unmask]                      L. Kasanga Zaire
BROWNVM  [log in to unmask]                              Mike Nico
VTVM1    [log in to unmask]                              Mike Nico
BROWNVM  [log in to unmask]              Philip King
VTVM1    [log in to unmask]              Philip King
BROWNVM  [log in to unmask]                Robert E. Allison
VTVM1    [log in to unmask]                      Bob Allison
BROWNVM  [log in to unmask]                           Alan Saul
VTVM1    [log in to unmask]                           Alan Saul
BROWNVM  [log in to unmask]               G. Thomasson Liberia
VTVM1    [log in to unmask]               G. Thomasson Liberia
BROWNVM  [log in to unmask]                        Paul T. Nyanga.
VTVM1    [log in to unmask]                        [log in to unmask] Goodson
Clear?  :-)